Maxi-Cosi Baby Car Seat Instruction Manual

Maxi-Cosi have been in the baby car seat game since the beginning. Having invented the category in Europe over 40 years ago, they are a leader in car seat sales worldwide.

They weren’t happy with the low usability ratings for a number of their child restraints however, so they approached Di Marca seeking to revitalise their product instruction manual system to help optimise customer experience and maximise user ratings.

The Outcome

With a number of Di  Marca team members recently experiencing the pains of poorly designed child seat instruction manuals – this challenge was personal!

We began with a complete overhaul of their previous document structure, incorporating better navigation systems across the manual and section signposting to provide a clear hierarchy of information.

We also rewrote the copy throughout to remove any engineering jargon, breaking down the information into easy-to-understand installation steps, eventually commissioning over 200 custom technical illustrations.

The end result was a intuitive and user-friendly instruction manual that is helping make life easier for parents everywhere.

What we did

– Publication design
– Copy writing
– Infographics and illustration
– Typesetting and proofing