After more than 80 years, Bevilles was experiencing brand devaluation that was having a significant negative impact on business. Di Marca asked, how could people trust the diamonds when the store’s now full of giftware? We implemented a brand refresh across the entire business that helped save this iconic Australian jewellery brand.

‘The Di Marca team were fabulous to work with and we were thrilled with the outcome. All key KPI’s that we measure our brand against are showing consistent levels of improvement and the brand now has a new position in the market that we are confident will continue to deliver growth for the next 80 years.’

Michelle Beville, CEO

What we did:

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity system
  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand & culture alignment
  • Marketing collateral
  • Packaging
  • Signage
  • Branded environments
  • Radio advertising
  • TV advertising